Monday, December 29, 2014

Senior Session: Sandra

Hello everybody! Today's post will be about my dear friend Sandra! She and I have been trying to plan a photoshoot for months, and now that it's winter break I finally had the time to do her senior session! Sandra is a student at Great Oak High School, and could not be more excited to graduate. So far, Sandra has applied to colleges such as San Diego State University, UC Santa Barbara, University of Washington, and University of Colorado Boulder. Her ultimate goal is to go to college out of state to experience something new, and I wish her the best of luck in doing so! Meet Sandra!

My two personal faves above (:

Thank you Sandra, you were great as always!

Location: Julian, CA

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Senior Session: Mia

Mia is a close friend of mine, and she has been asking me to do her senior pictures since she was a sophomore. Now that she's finally a senior, of course we took pictures ASAP! Mia has been on the varsity dance team at Great Oak High School for four years now, and she also dances competitively at Temecula Dance Company. Her plans after graduation are to attend UCLA to study film. It was a pleasure taking your pictures Mia, and best of luck to you after your high school career. Meet Mia!

Good luck Mia!

Location: Old Town Temecula, CA

Friday, September 5, 2014

Senior Session: Lauren

It's been a while! Lauren has been asking me to do a photoshoot for a while, so I finally found the time and we got it done this past Sunday! Lauren is a senior at Great Oak High School, and is currently on the varsity dance team. We met about two years ago when we were both on the dance team together! She has plans of attending Boston College next fall, and has an incredible resemblance to Rachel McAdams (in my opinion). Meet Lauren!

Thank you Lauren and have an amazing senior year!

Location: Old Town Temecula, CA 

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Portrait Session: Nicole

Meet Nicole! Nicole and I met in high school and have been good friends ever since. This is her second photoshoot with me, and she is such a natural in front of the camera! Nicole is currently a model for Hollister Co., and is working on building her portfolio to hopefully sign with a major modeling agency. When I ask her why she feels so natural in front of a camera, she responds with "All those years of watching America's Next Top Model have taught me well!" I tested out a new location with Nicole today in the rose garden of Temecula, and I am pretty pleased with the results. Best of luck to you Nicole with your modeling career!

It's always a pleasure working with you Nicole!

Location: Rose Haven Heritage Garden, Temecula

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Portrait Session: Kyra

Today I did a photoshoot with the lovely Kyra Ruiz! Kyra and I have been friends since dance team in high school, and we have some great memories together! Kyra currently attends UC Irvine where she is studying to become a dance major.
We tried to get a jump on the heat wave, but it was still incredibly hot. Kyra did a great job and pushed through the crazy hot weather, and her portrait session turned out awesome! It was so great seeing you again Kyra!

My personal favorites are these ones by the flowers, so pretty!

Thanks again Kyra! You were awesome!

Location: Old Town Temecula