Saturday, July 30, 2016

Portrait Session: Tori

I'm a little ashamed to admit this, but I complete forgot to make this blog post! These pictures were taken back in APRIL! I'm obviously killin' it in the blogging game.

Better late than never! My friend Tori and I had been talking about doing a photoshoot for a while before this, and we wanted to do something fun and different. The last time we had done a photoshoot was around 2010-2011, so we were definitely due for another one. I've always felt a strong love and connection for desert landscape, and I wanted to somehow incorporate that into this photoshoot. We were both down to travel a little out of town, so I did some research and found the Cactus Garden in Balboa Park, San Diego. Even three months later, I'm so stoked out how these pictures turned out, and I'm happy to finally be sharing them with you all!

**Story time**
During this photoshoot, my car was broken into! Tori and I were about 10 feet away from my car, but we didn't realize what was happening until it was too late. Unfortunately, my back passenger side window was smashed, and he got my purse. Luckily, I had taken all of my things out of my purse before the photoshoot and put them in my camera bag, and none of Tori's things had been stolen (we drove together), so it ended up being a very lucky, unlucky situation! Lesson learned: never leave anything in plain sight in your car, even if it's broad daylight at a busy intersection with many people around!
These pictures were totally worth it though. Enjoy!

I had a blast working with you Tori!

Location: Balboa Park Cactus Garden, San Diego 

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